Hyphenated: Music + Identity is an audio documentary series about immigrant and second generation immigrant musicians in Europe navigating their "hyphenated" identity through their music, created and produced by Ron Deutsch.

Latest Episode

Youka of Mitsune
November 25, 2024x
00:01:351.16 MB

Youka of Mitsune

Welcome to a very special holiday edition of Hyphenated. As it's the season of giving, we're dropping a new episode featuring Youka Snell of the band Mitsune. But in return, you have to give something...

Articles & Things

Summer Interlude #3: Ego Ella May Interview

Summer Interlude #3: Ego Ella May Interview

Here's the third interview I wanted to share with you from the interviews I did for Afropop Worldwide at the Festival International de Jazz...

Summer Interlude #2: Salin Interview

Summer Interlude #2: Salin Interview

One of my favorite discoveries this year at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal was Thai-Quebec drummer Salin. While still in he...

Summer Interlude #1: Ana Moura Interview

Summer Interlude #1: Ana Moura Interview

I hope you all had a nice summer. I was back in Montreal covering the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal for the folks at Afropop W...

Summer Interlude #3: Ego Ella May Interview

Summer Interlude #3: Ego Ella May Interview

Here's the third interview I wanted to share with you from the interviews I did for Afropop Worldwide at the Festival International de Jazz...

Who made this?

Hi. My Name is Ron Deutsch. For the last quarter century I've written and conducted interviews for both print and online publications, including National Geographic, Wired News, The Austin-American Statesman, The San Francisco Weekly, Gramophone, and Chamber Music America. I was a contributing editor at both Sonicnet/MTVnews and the International Documentary Association's Documentary magazine. And for the last decade, I've been a featured contributor to National Public Radio's Afropop Worldwide program.

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